Google Jet Had a Light On...wait it was Big ol' Jet Airliner

A secret informant has alerted me to some more news on Google. Don't ask who, because I can’t reveal my source. I’d rather go to jail and bunk in the New York Times cell block before I…Okay, so it’s this guy I know and he has a subscription to Wall Street Journal online.

But anyway, seems the dynamic duo have bought themselves a plane—like Travolta style. They haven’t bought a house, but they buy jet airplanes. The Journal's Kevin Delaney, Lynn Lunsford and Mark Maremont report:

Wide-Flying Moguls:
Google Duo's New Jet
Is a Boeing 767-200

On the road, Sergey Brin and Larry Page have owned environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles such as the Toyota Prius. In the air, they apparently prefer something roomier.

Google Inc.'s two billionaire founders, both 32 years old, will soon be cruising the skies in a Boeing 767 wide-body airliner.


Anonymous said...

Hey, That Guy, no more entries? Where ya been hidin'?